First Appointment FAQs
What do I need to bring to my first appointment?
- Past dental records
- Medical records
- Medical Prescription if any
What should I do if I require premedication?
Do I need to arrive early for my first appointment?
General Dentistry FAQs
How can I get my kids to brush their teeth?
At what age should I take my children to the dentist
Why should I go to the dentist regularly?
Tooth decay often does not hurt until it gets close to the nerve of the tooth. It is not uncommon to see a patient with a huge cavity who has never felt a thing. The dentist can usually detect a cavity 3-4 years before it develops any symptoms. This early detection can help you prevent root canal treatment.
Dental Implants
What all can I eat with dental implant supported teeth?
What is the life of an implant?
Why not tooth supported bridge?
For tooth supported bridge we have to cut two healthy teeth to give support. The tooth that is cut may need a RCT to be done or later there may be cavity formation and loss of healthy tooth structure. So save teeth say yes to dental implants.
How long does the procedure take?
Is the procedure painful?
Any side effect or allergies ?
Why are dental implants so expensive ?
Do you offer different standards of crowns?
How Long does treatment take?
What is involved in having a crown, bridge or Veneer?
First the area is numbed with local anesthetic. The teeth are prepared so a restoration can fit over them. This preparation is important and detailed work, and takes time. After this an impression is made of the prepared teeth and the teeth in the opposite jaw in order to get the correct bite.
These impressions are send to one of our high quality dental laboratories to have the restorations manufactured. During this phase you wear a plastic temporary crown, bridge or veneer that looks like teeth. When they are returned to us, we try them in and check they fit properly, bite properly and look good to you and us. If everything is good, the restoration is cemented permanently onto your teeth.
I don’t want really white false looking teeth, do crowns look false?
How long do crowns, veneers or bridges last?
What’s the difference between different types of crowns like Procera, empress, Zirconia?
Gums Surgery
What causes bleeding gums?
What are the symptoms of gum disease?
What is gum disease?
A leading cause of tooth loss in adults, gum disease (or periodontal disease) is an infection in the tissue that surrounds and supports teeth. Since early stage gum disease is painless (gingivitis), a person can have gum disease and not even know it.
What is gingivitis?
What is a Periodontist?
Jaw surgery
What is Orthognathic (corrective jaw) surgery?
Oral Care Counseling
What is a Pediatric Dentist?
What kinds of toothbrushes and toothpastes should children use?
In what grade should oral care education begin?
Rehabilitation & Reconstruction
What Procedures Are Needed?
Only your dentist and the team of specialists working on your full mouth reconstruction can determine what procedures are needed for your specific case. Other treatments may also be available, so ask your dentist about all possible procedures that might be required for your case and under what circumstances.
Most reconstructions involve multiple phases and office visits. It is not unreasonable to expect treatment to take 12 months or more, depending on your situation.
The following procedures may be involved, depending on your needs:
– Full Mouth Reconstruction vs. Smile Makeover
– How does full mouth reconstruction differ from smile makeover? A smile makeover is something that you elect to have performed, while a full mouth reconstruction is something that you need.
– It is also important to note that a smile makeover – though performed primarily to improve the esthetic appearance of the smile – requires the use of clinically proven dental materials and treatment techniques, as well as exceptional knowledge, training and skill on the part of the dentist. Many of the same techniques and equipment used for full mouth reconstruction are also used to ensure the success and long-term stability of smile makeover treatments.
How Many Visits Are Needed to Complete Treatment?
What is a "Smile Design"?
Who is a candidate for a Smile Design?
- An individual that wants to look younger. A smile design can take years off of your appearance.
- An individual that wants to have more confidence when they smile.
- An individual that cares how they look and wants to make an investment into their dental health.
- An individual that wants to be more appealing to members of the opposite sex. It is a known fact that 96% of adults believe that an attractive smile does this.
- An individual that wants to be noticed and appear healthier.
- An individual that takes care of their teeth with regular dental checkups and good dental hygiene
Benefits of a smile design?
Aesthetic Dentistry
Are dental implants suitable for children?
How do I know whether a cosmetic dentist is good or not?
You should also ask to see before-and-after photos of patients who underwent those procedures. Ask questions about their cases and the strategies the dentist used to improve their smiles.
Does teeth whitening work for everyone?
But in cases involving severe discoloration, teeth whitening may not result in a bright, white smile.
Are there any side effects associated with teeth whitening?
What causes the discoloration of a tooth?
BPS Full Dentures
Will Dentures Make Me Look Different?
How Are Dentures Made?
- Make a series of impressions of your jaw and take measurements of how your jaws relate to one another and how much space is between them.
- Create models, wax forms, and/or plastic patterns in the exact shape and position of the denture to be made. You will “try in” this model several times and the denture will be assessed for color, shape, and fit before the final denture is cast.
- Cast a final denture
- Adjustments will be made as necessary
What is BPS Dentures?
A BPS denture starts with the exceptional beauty of Ivoclar teeth. Each tooth is uniquely manufactured in layers to mimic natural dentition. The denture is then fabricated using a pressure injected process designed to insure a precise, secure, comfortable fit.
What is the full form of BPS?
- Biofunctional: The most important demand on your denture is to reproduce the functions of your natural teeth during chewing and speaking.
- Prosthetic: PS promotes the fabrication of quality dentures. Only certified providers are authorized to fabricate and fit you with BPS dentures, after a thorough analysis of your individual situation.
- System: PS dentures are fabricated of specially coordinated materials. When these materials are used in the correct manner along with the analysis of your personal data the results can be exceptional.
What you can expect from your BPS Dentures?
- Comfort and a great fit – Reduced irritation to the gums and ability to eat all kinds of food.
- Aesthetics – A natural look so you can smile, speak and laugh with confidence
- Strength – Less chance of breakage because of the high quality dense material
- Easy Maintenance – A very smooth surface ensures less plaque accumulation
- High-Quality Teeth Sets – Gnathostar, Ivostar and SR Phonares , provide a highly life like appearance to the denture along with excellent strength.
Flexible Dentures
How much pain is involved with getting dentures?
Can I eat normally with dentures?
How do I care for my dentures?
What types of dentures are there?
I need dentures. Where do I start?
Root Canal Treatment
What will happen during the procedure?
What will happen afterwards?
Is root canal treatment painful?
Is there an alternative?
Why do I need root canal treatment?
Am I too old for braces or orthodontic treatment?
At what age should orthodontic treatment occur?
Why is orthodontic treatment important?
Why do I need braces if my teeth are straight but my bite is off?
Why should you choose an orthodontist?
Can anyone get invisible teeth aligners?
Clear orthodontic aligners are typically used for patients who have mild or moderately crowded teeth, or have minor spacing issues. Patients who have severe crowding or spacing problems — or severe underbites, overbites, or crossbites – may need more complex treatment.